The Hidden Culture of the Sámi People

Muhammad Hasan Zarif
3 min readSep 21, 2023


The Sámi people, indigenous to the Arctic regions, have a rich and vibrant culture

The world is a tapestry of diverse cultures, each with its own unique traditions and heritage. While some cultures are well-known and celebrated worldwide, there are others that remain hidden gems, known to only a few. One such captivating and lesser-known culture is that of the Sámi people, the indigenous inhabitants of the Arctic regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia.

The Sámi Way of Life

The Sámi have inhabited the Arctic for thousands of years, and their culture is intricately woven with the icy landscapes they call home. At the heart of Sámi culture is their nomadic lifestyle, historically centred around reindeer herding. These hardy and resourceful people have relied on reindeer for food, clothing, and transportation, and the herding of these animals continues to be a vital part of their culture.

Traditional Clothing: Sámi traditional clothing is not just practical but also a work of art. The brightly coloured and intricately patterned outfits reflect their connection to the land and nature. Traditional footwear, known as “gákti,” varies from region to region and serves both functional and ceremonial purposes.

Deep Connection with Nature: The Sámi have an intimate relationship with the Arctic wilderness. They possess an extraordinary understanding of the natural world, which is reflected in their language. In fact, the Sámi language boasts over 180 words for snow, underscoring their profound connection with the environment.

Preserving Tradition in a Changing World

Despite their rich cultural heritage, the Sámi people face numerous challenges in preserving their way of life. Climate change and industrialization threaten the fragile Arctic ecosystem, affecting both reindeer herding and the environment on which they depend.

Moreover, the Sámi have endured historical discrimination and forced assimilation policies in their respective countries. Yet, they persist in their efforts to protect their culture and traditions. Sámi activism has played a crucial role in raising awareness of their unique heritage and advocating for their rights.

The Art and Folklore of the Sámi

Beyond their nomadic lifestyle, the Sámi people have a rich artistic tradition. Their music, known for its ethereal joik singing, is a captivating blend of sounds that evoke the vast Arctic landscapes. It’s a reminder of their enduring connection to nature.

Sámi folklore is a treasure trove of stories and legends passed down through generations. These tales often feature the mystical “noaidi” (shaman) who communes with the spirits of the land and animals. They offer a glimpse into the Sámi worldview and their reverence for the natural world.

A World Worth Exploring

The culture of the Sámi people is a world waiting to be discovered, a testament to the resilience and strength of indigenous communities in the face of challenges. As the guardians of the Arctic, the Sámi embody the deep connection between culture and the environment.

The Sámi flag represents the unity of the Sámi people across national borders.

Exploring hidden cultures like that of the Sámi is a reminder of the rich tapestry of human experience. It emphasizes the importance of cultural diversity and the need to protect and celebrate these unique traditions in our increasingly interconnected world.

While the Sámi culture may be little known to many, it serves as a shining example of the beauty and value of preserving the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples. Their stories, traditions, and the lessons they hold are treasures that deserve to be shared and celebrated.

So, the next time you find yourself exploring the hidden corners of our world, remember the Sámi people and their remarkable culture. In doing so, you honour not just their heritage but the rich diversity that makes our planet so extraordinary.

